[Answers] Tomo's Trivia Tablet | Guides | Flight Rising (2024)


What is the maximum amount of dragons you can put in a coliseum party?

Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Training Fields

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Woodland Path

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Scorched Forest

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Sandswept Delta

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Forgotten Cave

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Bamboo Falls

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Boreal Wood

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Harpy's Roost

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
The Mire

A coliseum venue is a location inside the coliseum where dragons may battle. Which of the following is a coliseum venue?
Kelp Beds

Which is a level 25 venue?
Kelp Beds

Which of the following is the name of a Coliseum venue?
Redrock Cove

Which of the following is the name of a Coliseum venue?
Volcanic Vents

What is the name of Arcane's special ability?

What is the name of Earth's special ability?

What is the name of Fire's special ability?

What is the name of Ice's special ability?

What is the name of Light's special ability?

What is the name of Lightning's special ability?

What is the name of Nature's special ability?

What is the name of Plague's special ability?

What is the name of Shadow's special ability?

What is the name of Water's special ability?

What is the name of Wind's special ability?

Which of these is not a Coliseum ability?
Phlegm Bolt

Which coliseum ability has a chance to send incoming spells back to their source?

Which of the following is considered an Accessory Stone for the Coliseum?

Which of the following battle stones grants your meditate ability a 50% chance to generate twice as much breath?

How many health points does a minor health potion heal?
100 points

In the Coliseum, which element would deal the most damage to a Light-element enemy?

In which venue can one encounter a bumble?
Training Fields

In which venue might one encounter a bumble?
Training Fields

What type of gene is Bumble?
Trick question: It is a familiar.

Do bumbles have elbowed antennae?

Which of the following monsters is known to patrol the Training Fields?
Ruby Webwing

This distinctive moth has deep reds and purples running through its leafy wings. It's difficult to classify as purely flora or fauna.
Amaranth Moth

Luna Mith patrol this territory, providing a challenge for new warriors:
Training Fields

In which venue might one encounter a Dark-tufted Sparrowmouse?
Training Fields

In which venue might one encounter a Yellow Sparrowmouse?
Training Fields

In which venue might one encounter a Glowing Pocket Mouse?
Training Fields (and sometimes the forums)

In which venue might one encounter an Ember Mouse?
Training Fields

Which of these opponents can be found in the Training Grounds?
Ember Mouse

This rodent is no more flammable than any other:
Ember Mouse

Which creature calls the training fields home, and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Which creature calls the Training Fields home and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Coral Carpenter

This solitary species of bee lives in coastal areas. It is known for burrowing into desiccated pieces of coral:
Coral Carpenter

Which creature calls the Scorched Forest home and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Umberhorn Qiriq

In which venue can one encounter an Umberhorn Qiriq?
Scorched Forest

In what venue may one encounter a searing jackalope?
The Scorched Forest

These creatures often herald the arrival of their much larger, more destructive cousin, the Firebird.
Smoke Gyre

This creature's gaze can petrify even the hardiest Earth dragons into stone. Staring contests with this familiar are not recommended.

What familiar does NOT have a mane?
Banded Owlcat

Which creature calls the Sandswept Delta home, and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Which creature calls the Sandswept Delta home and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?

Young dragons will sometimes prank rival clans by leaving the reeking remains of which Familiar outside their lair?

So many of these creatures live in the Abiding Boneyard that the sand itself looks as though it's rippling like an ocean:
Shattered Serpent

This creature's scales present a particularly rich shade of red after it has freshly molted:
Carmine Serthis

In which venue might one encounter a peaco*ck scorpion?
Sandswept Delta

Which of the following familiars appears in the Blooming Grove?
Grove Piper

Which of the following familiars appears in the Blooming Grove?
Lilium Floron

This beastclan is present in the Blooming Grove:

These familiars call the Blooming Grove home:
Venomtooth Pilco

This cannibalistic snail produces a powerful venom:
Blue Dragon Reef Snail

Dreameaters claim this territory as their own, and fight to defend it:
Bamboo Falls

Baku claim this territory as their own, and fight to defend it:
Bamboo Falls

Which familiar is able to walk both the physical and ethereal plane?

Which enemy drops fishscale baskets in the coliseum?

Tengu haunt this territory, and ambush unwary travelers:
Bamboo Falls

Hainu flock to this venue:
Bamboo Falls

Hainu flock to this venue?
Bamboo Falls.

Red-Breasted Hainu flocks call this territory home:
Bamboo Falls

Which creature calls the Bamboo Falls home and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Fungalhoof Qiriq

These creatures leave a trail of vibrant fungi in their wake. Tracking it is easy; surviving an encounter with one is less so:
Fungalhoof Qiriq

These familiars herald from Redrock Cove:
Noxious Coralclimber

In what venue may one encounter a Murkbottom Gull?
Redrock Cove

A playful and mischievous familiar. These creatures will often sneak into dragon lairs and abscond with shiny bits of treasure:
Grey River Flight

It's so fluffy!
Yes. That would be a cumulus seal.

This familiar has set aside the staff of war as to take up the staff of healing, which one is it ?
Longneck Mender

Longneck are indigenous to which region of the world?

In which venue might one encounter a Sprangyroo?

In which venue may one encounter a Goldenplains Poodle Mith?

Which of the following familiars is not a gathering exclusive item?
Celestial Antelope

Which one of these is a Coliseum venue?
Volcanic Vents

Which of the following familiars appears in the Volcanic Vents Coliseum venue?
Spectral Duskflapper

Which of the following is not encountered in the Volcanic Vents Coliseum venue?
Flamescale Jester

Which of the following creatures may appear in Boreal Wood?
Maned Rasa

A number of Winter Wolves never lose their summer colors. These individuals are uncommon and generally smaller than their snowy-coated brethren:
Black Wolf

In which coliseum venue can one encounter a Hoarfrost Mauler?
Boreal Wood

What mysterious fowl used to be in Boreal exclusively in November, but now appears year-round?
Woodland Turkey

Which creature calls Harpy's Roost home and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Blue Tang Hippogriff

In which venue does one encounter a Cardinal Hippogriff?
Harpy's Roost

In which venue might one encounter a Hooded Dodo?
Harpy's Roost

Which creature has evolved to have 6 eyes, yet is completely blind?
Hooded dodo.

In which venue might one encounter a Brush Dodo?
Harpy's Roost

These birds are sometimes found frozen in place after particularly large snowstorms.
Snow Streak

Which familiar circles in flocks around the Arcanist's Observatory ?
Fallout Streak

This murderous bird is blind save for the large, ominous eye on its chest:
Death Seeker

Which familiar is named for their hide-and-seek behavior among cloud banks?

Which of the following abilities are Aviars capable of?

In which Coliseum venue can you encounter a Disoriented Spirit?
Ghostlight Ruins

Naturally gifted with a photographic memory and a phosphorescent mane:
Brilliant Psywurm

Which creature calls the mire home, and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Which creature calls the Mire home and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Scythe Kamaitachi

Which creature calls the mire home, and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Which creature calls the Mire home and fights to protect it from encroaching dragons?
Heartred Croaker

Named for its outer display, these brilliant red and green creatures are various shades of brown on the inside.
Heartred Croaker

These creatures spend their early lives swimming in shallow riverbeds. When they mature their fins will have elongated enough to facilitate flight:
Blackwing Croaker

In which venue might one encounter a Blackwing Croaker?

In which venue might one encounter a Brilliant Psywurm?

In which venue might one encounter a Psywurm?

In which venue might one encounter a Poisonous Toridae?

In which venue might one encounter a Venomous Toridae?

Where would you encounter a Mistwatch Shellion?

In which venue does one encounter a Common Podid?
The Mire

In which venue does one encounter a Salve Kamaitachi?
The Mire

In which venue does one encounter a Sickle Kamaitachi?
The Mire

This creature's oily mane repels water:

Which of these coliseum enemies wield ice abilities?
Mistwatch Shellion

What element are Southmarsh Podids?

Which of these Kamaitachis has a healing move?

In which venue would one find a Cloud Chaser?
Kelp Beds

In which venue might one encounter a cloud chaser?
Kelp Beds

In which venue might one encounter a Maren Ambusher?
Kelp Beds

This Beastclan prepares for battle by ingesting special tonics designed to make their blood poisonous.

In which venue might one encounter an Abyss Striker?
Kelp Beds

These observers cluster around ancient aquatic ruins. They may change color to blend with their surroundings:
Abyss Striker

What enemy may resurrect itself given enough time?
Relic Eel

Which venue are Copperplate Longmech found in?
Golem Workshop

What venue are Tribeam Hunter found in?
Golem Workshop

Which of the following enemies are not found in the Golem Workshop?

No one is entirely sure what these creatures sound like.
Tourmaline Vulstal

The crystals of Vulstals drop off as the creature grows. This familiar is capable of filling a hoard with riches:
Spinel Vulstal

Known for staying awake for days on end.
Perching Java Sparrow

Which familiars are said to be messengers of the Icewarden?
Frostbite Hummingbird

The scales of this cobra will stand on end when agitated, creating an impressive mane.
Maned Cobra

What characterizes the owners of Smoky Bantam Fangars?
A cloud of fur dusting their scales

Which of the following familiars is retired?

Which of the following familiars is retired?
Earth Sprite

Which of the following familiars is retired?
Golden Bantam Fangar

Which of the following familiars is retired?
Light Sprite

Which of the following familiars is retired?
Red-Footed Akirbeak

Which of the following familiars is retired?
Water Sprite

Which of these is a retired familiar?
Golden Bantam Fangar

Which bird is known for its tendency to hoard and brood over eggs?
Red-Footed Akirbeak

What is the value of a Black Dwarf Unicorn's horn?
Trick question: It is worthless!

This unicorn has lost its magic. Its once shining coat is dull. The horns of these unicorns are worthless.
Black Dwarf Unicorn

Which of the following familiars is only available in the gem marketplace?
Downy Fox Rat

Which species has been an ally to dragons for years beyond counting?
Dunhoof Centaurs

Although frightening to look at, these creatures mostly keep to themselves and the piles of calcified remains that they have collected:
Bone Fiend

Iridescent Scalebacks may be swapped at Swipp's Swap Stand for 75 of this trade item:
Reflective Fish Scales

Which gathering profession is needed to find a Darktouched Chimera?

This enormous decapod releases millions of tiny bubbles from its carapace to ward off predators. But really, who is afraid of bubbles?
Gaseous Megashrimp

How many legs does a Skittering Megashrimp have?

This familiar can be gathered through the hunting skill:
Grasslands Trunker

What was the theme of the familiars that came from Marva's Hats in April 2014?

The toxins found in this familiar are used to combat several strains of Wyrmwood plague
Driftwood Baron

At which stage do you receive 20 treasure for bonding with your familiar?

At what stage of companionship do you receive 45 treasure from bonding with your familiar?
At what stage of companionship do your receive 45 treasure from bonding with your familiar?

At what state is a Familiar fully bonded with its host dragon?

At which stage(s) of familiar bonding is a dragon awarded a gilded chest for their dedication to the friendship?

What is the chest you receive when your dragon has fully bonded with its familiar, causing it to awaken?
A Gilded Chest

Companions for your dragons are found in what sub-section of the marketplace?

Which of the following is not a way to obtain a familiar?

What is the log of all of the familiars you possess called?

Which Beastclans inhabit the Southern Icefield?
Centaurs and Longnecks.

Which of the following opponents is not found in The Training Fields in the coliseum?
Chromefeather Lookout

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Woodland Path in the coliseum?
Crimson Reef Snail

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Scorched Forest in the coliseum?
Celestial Antelope

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Sandswept Delta in the coliseum?
Fungusbearing Phony

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Forgotten Cave in the coliseum?
Corrosive Depin

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Bamboo Falls in the coliseum?
Ultramel Amphithere

Which of the following enemies cannot be found in Thunderhead Savanna?
Amaranth Moth

Which of the following enemies cannot be found in Thunderhead Savanna?
Frost Delver

Which of the following enemies cannot be found in Thunderhead Savanna?

Which of the following enemies cannot be found in Thunderhead Savanna?
Light Sprite

Which of the following enemies cannot be found in Thunderhead Savanna?

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Waterway in the coliseum?
Barkback Boar

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Arena in the coliseum?
Wintermane Bowman

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Rainsong Jungle in the coliseum?

Which of the following opponents is not encountered in the Crystal Pools in the coliseum?
Heartred Croaker

What venue are Everburn Tangle found in?
Forbidden Portal

What venue are Sanguine Multimist found in?
Forbidden Portal

Which venue are Tattertail Bilworper found in?
Forbidden Portal

Which of the following is not encountered in the Forbidden Portal venue?

Which of the following is not encountered in the Forbidden Portal venue?
Burning Goblin

Which of the following is not encountered in the Forbidden Portal venue?
Coarsefur Yeti

Which of the following is not encountered in the Forbidden Portal venue?
Luna Mith

What familiar was released to celebrate Flight Rising's 2nd anniversary and the release of Baldwin's Bubbling Brew?

Who is one of the matriarchal leaders of the harpies?

Which of these is considered "the poor dragon's Boolean"?
Sparkling Stinger

Which of these familiars is not exclusive to Night of the Nocturne?
Cinderkelp Loach

Fiona allows you to bond with how many of her familiars each day?

[Answers] Tomo's Trivia Tablet |
        Guides |
   Flight Rising (2024)
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