How to fix 0 views on TikTok 2024 (2024)

If you want to know how to fix 0 views on your TikTok videos, you are not alone. Many people have complained about the lack of views on their TikTok duets or other short videos. For some reason, the number of views is stuck at 0; they are tired of waiting hours to get some.

Of course, if a TikTok no internet connection error or TikTok server error is the cause, it might just be that the views haven't been updated on your device and it will resolve itself once the connection stabilizes or the server issues are fixed.

Table of Contents

  • How to fix 0 views on TikTok 2024
  • Why do I have no views and likes on TikTok?
  • How to get more views on TikTok
  • Why does my TikTok have no views but likes?

However, if that's not the case with you, we will share with you some of the best methods you can use to fix 0 views on TikTok. But, before that, you might want to check how to get TikTok Dark Mode on Android.

How to fix 0 views on TikTok 2024

0 views on your TikTok video is the worst possible thing that can happen to you on TikTok. You spend hours planning, recording, and editing videos and end up with 0 views.

Luckily, you don't need to delete your video on TikTok out of frustration. Instead, you can fix 0 views on TikTok and get more views on your videos following the tips below.

  • First, make sure your account is not set to Private.
  • Also, check the privacy settings of your post. Ensure that the Who can watch this video option is not set to Only me.
  • The issue may be with TikTok servers; They might be down. You can try to fix the TikTok server error if this is the case. But if the servers are down, there is nothing you can do but wait.
  • If you are a new user and it's one of your first five videos, your video may be under review. It is TikTok's standard procedure to review videos from new users before distributing them to the masses. Typically, your video will take 6 to 24 hours to be approved. So, just wait.
  • Also, you have likely been shadowbanned on TikTok. If that is the case, you must wait until the ban is lifted.
  • If none of the above seems to be the issue, then a bug may be causing the problem.

Hopefully, the above tips will help you fix 0 views on TikTok. If you are still facing the issue on TikTok, you can always contact TikTok support and ask for their guidance.

Why do I have no views and likes on TikTok?

There are several reasons why your TikTok video has 0 views and likes. You may have accidentally set the visibility of your video to "Only me." Or it could be some network issue on your side or TikTok's. Other possible reasons are:

  • The content is under review.
  • Duplicated content.
  • It's been posted from a banned device.
  • It's using restricted keywords.
  • A bug (infamously known as the TikTok views glitch) prevents the views from being updated.

Apart from that, if the content you post goes against TikTok's community guidelines, you will be shadowbanned, and as a result, the visibility of your content will be significantly reduced.

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Another logical reason is that the video is not interesting enough to the audience. The key criterion TikTok uses to differentiate high-quality videos from crappy ones is the completion rate. It is the percentage of the video watched. The longer the video is watched, the better this ratio is.

The video will not show to more users if your completion rate is low during the test phase. The content of your video should be unique and interesting to keep the viewer’s attention so they will watch the video to the end.

Pro tip: Always hop on the latest TikTok trends, and don't forget to include top-trending TikTok hashtags and turn on comments on TikTok to improve engagement with your content.

If your video is of high quality and engaging, and you use the above tips we shared, you will get enough views to get paid on TikTok.

How to get more views on TikTok

Well, there isn't much you can do to get more views on TikTok after posting. Most things that can dictate the success of your posts, such as the time you post on TikTok and the quality of your video, are already set in stone.

Don't despair, though. You can do things to get more views on TikTok after posting. Here are some tips:

  • Promote your TikTok content on your other social channels.
  • Message your friends on TikTok and share your new video.
  • Ask your friends and family to repost your video on TikTok.
  • Also, ask them to comment on your video to increase engagement.

These tips will help you to get more views on TikTok after posting, but only in a very limited way. If you want to get more views, you should think about it before posting.

Why does my TikTok have no views but likes?

If your TikTok video has 0 views but accumulates likes, it means that you have been hit by what TikTokers infamously call the "TikTok views glitch." The glitch is preventing the views from being updated, and thereby, your video is stuck with 0 views on TikTok.

To fix the issue, try the standard troubleshooting tips like killing and restarting the app, rebooting your smartphone, and clearing the app cache. If the problem persists, you can wait for it to resolve itself.

That covers everything about the issue of 0 views on TikTok. Hope you found our suggestions helpful. Before heading off, check out how to pin comments on TikTok Live.

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How to fix 0 views on TikTok 2024 (2024)


Why is my TikTok getting 0 views in 2024? ›

If after 1 hour after posting, your video still does not receive views, there are probably 2 cases: Your TikTok is experiencing a glitch, or the content is being under review. You can try to do some troubleshooting on your TikTok accounts, such as clearing your cache or restarting the app.

Why is TikTok not getting enough views? ›

If you want to have a successful TikTok account that generates a lot of views, you need to have a clear content strategy and be consistent in your uploading. Your social media managers need to work tirelessly to make sure the content you upload is: High-quality. Original (but not too off-the-beat)

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Yes, resetting the TikTok algorithm can boost engagement. The video suggests that by clearing your search and watch history, refreshing your FYP, and updating your interests in settings, you can reset the algorithm and potentially increase your views.

Why did my TikTok views stop? ›

The first and most basic reason behind a sudden drop in views can be an update in the TikTok algorithm. Developers at TikTok constantly modify and update the algorithm so it can easily handle a billion users and the videos being uploaded on it continuously.

Why is my video stuck on 0 views? ›

What is TikTok 0 Views Bug. If you're uploading videos that weren't created by yourself. Then, TikTok will block the videos from being uploaded and therefore They'll look like getting 0 views. Even if the content you're uploading is original and is created by yourself, you may also experience 0 views.

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don't delete your videos when they have low views, because sometimes things that are trending for you. have a slow burn over time. Some people can post there.

How to get more views on TikTok in 2024? ›

How to Get More Views on TikTok in 2024: Tips for Growth
  1. Use Hashtags.
  2. Quirky captions.
  3. Use music and sound effects.
  4. Invest time & effort in promotion & cross-promotion.
  5. Analyze your content's performance.
  6. Find your audience/niche.
  7. Pay attention to upload frequency.
  8. Be consistent.
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How to get more views on TikTok: 12 essential strategies
  1. Add hashtags to your content. ...
  2. Create a multi-part series. ...
  3. Include popular music. ...
  4. Follow viral TikTok trends. ...
  5. Know your target audience. ...
  6. Find the best times to post on TikTok. ...
  7. Cross-promote your videos. ...
  8. Create videos from comments.
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Is TikTok Shadow banning me? ›

However, there are some key indicators that'll determine if you've received a shadow ban: Content is not visible on the For You Page or search. Videos won't upload (they will say “under review” or “processing” instead) A drastic drop in likes, views, or shares.

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As you consistently produce high-quality content, your baseline view count will rise and you'll eventually break through the 200-view barrier. However, to increase your views, you must first increase your video watch time — the number one metric for algorithmic promotion.

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To reset the TikTok algorithm, tap the three-line menu on your profile, go to "Settings and privacy" > "Content Preferences," and tap "Refresh." Refreshing the algorithm gives you a chance to see different kinds of videos on your FYP. Resetting does not affect your Following tab or inbox.

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It takes a little time for the algorithm to do its thing and find your folk, so don't be alarmed if your video views start and stay low for a bit. Unlike other platforms, TikTok content sticks around, and it's not unusual for a video to 'flop' within the first 24hrs only to pick up a few days later.

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If your content doesn't generate enough traction, TikTok will find you to be a poor content creator and won't recommend your videos to its users. That's why you need to strive to make all your videos high-quality, with an original approach and clear value.

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#contentcreationtips #tiktoktips #contentcreator #tiktokalgorithm #200viewjail #sturdydigital If your video is stuck at under 100 views, it most likely means that the content you're posting has been posted on this platform before, and the TikTok algorithm will then surpress that video to protect the original creator of ...

Why has my TikTok stopped growing? ›

It may not seem like a big deal, but one of the reasons your TikTok isn't growing is that you're inconsistent. To be effective on TikTok, you should aim to post new content regularly, whether that be daily, several times per week, or even once a week.

How many users does TikTok have 2024? ›

It passed one billion users in 2021 and is expected to surpass 1.8 billion by the end of 2024. We have collected data and statistics on TikTok.

Why won't TikTok show me my views? ›

Check your connection. An outdated version of the TikTok app may experience problems loading profile analytics features. Update to the latest version. Excessive caching or app data on your device could cause performance issues that block view counts from appearing.

Why am i only getting 200 views on TikTok? ›

However, many fall into the 200 view trap due to algorithmic checkpoints. TikTok uses these checkpoints to determine the visibility of your content. After an initial circulation to 200–300 people on the 'For You' page, the algorithm checks the metrics. If your content performs well, it gets circulated to more people.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.