Vintage Story Mod DB (2025)

Welcome to the Official Hub for Vintage Story Mods!

It's goal is to simplify access and management of community made modifications to the base game. This site connects to your game account, so no extra sign up required.
If you don't have a game account yet you can buy it on the official store.

Whenever you're ready head over to the list of mods! To install mods, check out our guide on the wiki


Latest 10 Mods


Salty´s Immersive Ore CrushHit ore chunks on the ground to crush them.New!


ExtraCodeAdds extra classes and behaviors for content moddersNew!


Recipe patch for More RoadsMakes it so that More Roads stone brick road style recipes don't require a hammer and chisel.New!


Barrel DoughAllows in-barrel crafting of dough.New!


FancyClouds2DReplaces the game's 3D clouds with a more realistic yet low resolution 2D skybox-based cloud system!New!


GiftyGive gifts, to everyone! Gift boxes designed by the community.New!


KCM - Red Dye from BerriesKing's Court Modding presents: An easy way to get red dye with berries!New!


Salty´s ClickToPickDoesn't like clogged inventory with useless stuff? Pick up just what you want from the ground.New!


BlockPatch PatcherDynamically patch block patches. Allows wildcards and multiplication of values.New!

Latest 20 Comments

No Bells

Any idea if this still functions?

Travisplo36 minutes ago
QP's Chisel Tools 1.12.6 the Palettes are here!

Something with dyes I think I might have to remove dye as an option for the recipe again.

QPTech54 minutes ago
Salty´s Immersive Ore Crush

Do you think you might make this work with puverizer? I feel like that would be cool too! :D

wojtek1659 minutes ago
Salty´s Immersive Ore Crush

Don't remove grid recipes, I use them for the same thing in my mod

DanaCraluminum1 hour ago
Salty´s Immersive Ore Crush

Looks like a nice immersive addition to the list

But imo you should keep the crafting recipes active just in case another mod messes with them. I think that'd help with compatibility (not a modder, so might be 100% wrong)

Snowfall941 hour ago

Hello, could you make your mod compatible with more animals and vanilla goats please ?

TheDude1 hour ago
La Verace

Having an issue where pizzas are turning invisible, and crash people's clients when they interact with them. Of note, this only happens to people on the dedicated server, and we've had no reports of it happening to people using our modlist on a single player world.

StreetCaptain2 hours ago
Hydrate or Diedrate

Released version 1.3.1 for 1.19.8 and 1.3.2 for version 1.20pre.
Fixed meal hydration bug
Drinking now needs to be held down to drink from sources, drinking now handled in a stepped process similar to vanilla eating, and has the frame work for animations to be played

Chronolegionaire3 hours ago
Salty´s ClickToPick

RL Story soon🤣

Jena_Thornwyrd3 hours ago
Salty´s Immersive Ore Crush

Jena_Thornwyrd Hell yeah Thanks!! IMMERSION FTW!!

SaltyWater3 hours ago
Claims of Candor (A Bulwark Fork)


Cuddly_Khan4 hours ago
Salty´s Immersive Ore Crush

This is brilliant !!! Plus having a better yield is a nice insentive ! IMMERSION FTW !

Jena_Thornwyrd4 hours ago
Wild Farming - Revival


I am updating the fr.json and it seems that some seed's description keys are missing. I don't find them in the en.json and it's still in english in game. Or maybe it's due to the the new v1.20. of VS (but vanilla seeds description are translated)...

Vintage Story Mod DB (31)

Laerinok5 hours ago
Local Respawn


Yes, that is correct.


Good point. I'll implement that the next time I work on this mod.

DoodleGarbage7 hours ago

I'd like to make a music mod as well. Where did you learn to make one?

Murraya8 hours ago

Geodes and Gemstones author here, just came across this mod in the wild. Curious about lowering the geode spawnrate, as by default in the mod they're already extremely rare on the surface. I don't have an issue with the change, just wondering if you ran into a bug or something weird that made them common for you? In all of my testing, playtesting, and regular playing with my mod, I can go specifically hunting for geodes and not find a single one for a few in game days, on the surface.

MoonlitShade9 hours ago
Drifters belong underground

R4d6 Unfortunately not... I think that turning rifts off changes their spawning rules in some other way so they can still appear on the surface. That's actually what brought me to this modpage -- I turned off temporal rifts a few days ago, but I'm still getting 5-10 drifters growling outside my door every night.

Fullbright9 hours ago
Claims of Candor (A Bulwark Fork)

why would ironhold do this😔

Murraya10 hours ago

I'm probably having the same issue NevouAtari1998 is having. Not sure if it's because of this mod or because of the kobold mod, though. Maybe it's only compatible with the old version, not the re-up? Specific issues: breast shape is hollow on the left side and texture is sideways / eyebrows appear to match the colors of my eye color choice and whatever I'm wearing / eyes go black on my end, friend saw them as being closed or something like that / horns (moustache choice in char creation) change color.

But regardless I very much appreciate the mod, even if it's funky for me!! Maybe it'll magically fix itself at some point.

Helmy11 hours ago
Primitive Survival

Much appreciated! I've added it to the next release.

SpearAndFang11 hours ago
Vintage Story Mod DB (2025)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.